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Photo by: Miha Šubic

Mitja Mlakar (1988) is a young Slovenian screenwriter, film director and director of photography, co-founder and one of the leading team members of the film production Film Factory (2009). For more than a decade a mentor of film workshops for youth. His author films have been screened and received awards at many film festivals all around the world like GoShort IFF, London ISFF & Interfilm SFF. In 2013 he received the Award for important cultural achievements of University of Maribor and the award for prospective young filmmaker from the Association of Slovenian Filmmakers. In 2014 he was an Artist in Residence Slovenian Ministry of Culture Artist Residency in London (UK) where he developed his short film “I’ll probably never see you again”. Mitja is also an alumni of Talents Sarajevo 2016. He is a part of a new wave of young filmmakers who came together for an omnibus short film called Short Deeds (2019). In 2024 he completed his master degree studies in Cinematography (univ. mag. art.) at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb (HR).

